Celebrating the brilliance of todays kids & youth
The show build spectacular
Kids and youth now get the opportunity to design, build, coordinate and star in a fully choreographed highly professional stage show where they showcase their hard work, dreams and talents singing, dancing, performing and riding.
Right from the start, riders have made the choice to believe and peer mentor the RAD way, and now in 2024 we are taking it to a whole new level where the kids and youth star in the show that they built.
“Staged in towns struggling to recover from natural disasters or economic downturn”
The show build spectacular
Qualification is achieved through the successful engagement of Boot Camp Youth and any of The Track Build Challenge and or Dirt Bike Hero Rebuild events.
We place first priority on celebrating the achievements of kids and youth who make correct choices.
We also provide the framework for kids and youth who are disengaged and or behavioural issue, to choose to change and rise up to the RAD standard.
Their ongoing hard work, newfound excellence of attitude and upheld daily disciplines see these formerly disengaged and or behavioural issue kids and youth earn their position in the big show enjoying the thrill, reward and popularity of performing up on stage alongside the kids and youth who make correct choices.
It’s always been about shows and from the humblest beginnings we have have seen time and time again how local youth rise up and take on the challenge of showcasing their talents.
The show build spectacular
Our Dirt Bike Hero Rebuild program provides the labour work force required to construct the full size stage, lighting and sound towers, fencing, marquees and show central management tower.
Graduates of the Dirt Bike Rebuild program were formerly at-risk or convicted offending youth, having made the willing choice to change and undergo the thorough rebuilding of their thought patterns, beliefs and behaviour with the program requiring them to dig deep and develop high levels of resilience, grit and dedication to changing their life and becoming an asset.
Each Show Build Spectacular event across the country provides ongoing framework for graduates of our Dirt Bike Hero Rebuild program to be kept busy, captivated and on track to enter the workforce as highly motivated, polite and disciplined young Australians ready to be an asset to their new employer and their community.
Celebrating the brilliance of todays kids & youth
The show build spectacular
Leaders who believe in everything that is possible
The Track Build Challenge
Celebrate the brilliance of todays kids and youth and set the pace whilst doing it.