Sign up
You’re invited to join us helping disadvantaged kids by becoming either an ambassador, volunteer or a supporter.
You can proudly be involved and show your support for the innocent little victims suffering disadvantage.
You can volunteer and help us at the Track Build Challenge, having fun and helping the kids and youth build the track and the show, in which they star, performing on their Moto Dirt Bikes, playing guitars and singing and dancing.
You can also build awareness for RAD as an ambassador further strengthening our long history of being a #1 championship winning brand providing real life heroes for kids and youth to believe in.
You can supply a RAD Hero Backpack and a BMX bike to a child who is enduring the most awful hurt, fear, confusion and loss.
Receive a personally signed plaque and thank you card from Max and the RAD Team.
We are proudly a registered charity ‘Public Benevolent Institution’
92 667 386 816
All donations receive full DGR Deductible Gift Recipient status